Monday, September 28, 2009


What is happening here at Rockport United Methodist Church?

There isn’t a week go by, I mean it has been happening every week … for weeks and months.

First it was a smile; then it was a few people calling the office; then it was a few people stopping by the office; then it was a few committees meeting to begin the work of the church in a new way; then it was ... You see at first it was a distant smile, then a known face and name; now it's a conversation about life, and love, and the trials of living a spiritual life from deep within.

It is happening every week.

Something in the church at Rockport has caught our eye, or warmed our heart, or stirred our mind. And we want to be involved. We bring our money; we bring our friends; we bring our broken selves to this place we call “sanctuary.”
We bring ourselves and we give. We give in order to be involved, even when the involvement isn't directly our own. We want to be a part of this place where the spirit of the Living Lord is active and alive. We give because we have seen the radiant smile on the face of a child racing to meet her mother after Sunday School saying "I love it here; I wish I could come every day!" We give because we have been nurtured in our spiritual life more than we ever thought possible. We give because of a sermon that set our life on a new course. We give because the church is willing to take the broken life of a dear friend and helped make that life whole again. We give because blind people in Africa are given sight, hungry people in Haiti are fed, and neighbors around the corner rely on the mission committee and we are a part of making a difference.
We give to be involved. We give in order to unleash energies for good in the world. You see … something is happening here at Rockport.

God is happening here!!!

Think on these things during this fall season. Our giving is important because it makes a statement about who we are. This year in particular, I encourage us to step up our Stewardship giving because God is happening here, and we want to be a part of the action!

I invite you to make a statement about who you are, about what is important, and about how being involved in the awesome activities of God is such a joy. A great teacher once said, "The world uses people to make money, while the church uses money to make people." Let's give generously to make people abundantly alive in Jesus Christ!

Because of God’s grace,

Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers