Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Well as you can imagine, this has been a busy time in my life and in the life of Rockport UMC. We may ask the question ..."When will things slow down? When will life get back to normal?"

I find it interesting that when my life is filled with so many distractions, it becomes more difficult to focus on my faith. Do you find the same to be true in your life? We are all clear that faith is crucial to our well being. We are also aware that without faith it is impossible to please God or to hang on when life is tough. Doubt can creep in so easily, and the only answer is to remember that Jesus is worth it all.

A few years ago Kathryn and I visited a small cathedral outside Bethlehem that marks the birthplace of Jesus. Behind a high alter in the church is a cave, a little cavern lit by silver lamps.

You can enter the main edifice and admire the ancient church. You can also enter the quiet cave where a star embedded in the floor recognizes the birth of the King. There is only one stipulation ... you have to stoop to enter the Holy place. The door is so low you can't go in standing up.

What a great reminder for us this time of the year. When we are stooped over because of the hectic pace we keep this time of the year, we can be reminded that the God of the universe sent God's only Son to remind us of the Love we can experience if we would only have faith.May God bless you during this faith filled Christmas season.


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers