Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There seems to be disconnect in the world we live in. This is not new, but it has been highlighted by the weakness found in our economy.

There is a catch-phrase, "The New Frugality," that has illuminated a wonderful contradiction in the character of most American families. In a recent poll is was reported that 57% of those surveyed believed that in this new economic environment , the American Dream will be harder to achieve. In the same poll 56% believe that Americas best days are still ahead. These two ideals which seem to be at odds with each other, namely realism and idealism, hardheadedness and optimism, offer the church a unique opportunity to minister.

What is being addressed in the survey is that there is some anxiousness about the future. But what is also addressed in the survey is thatif the right course is set we will be better than we could have ever imagined.

So how does the church minister during such times as these. How does the church help individuals navigate through the uncertainty and see the bright future that can be? How can we help people see the possibilties of a bright future and be willing to do the hard work of retooling our ministry with a forward focus?

You would have to agree that this are interesting times in the life of the church, and you would also have to agree that there is much work to engage in to be prepared to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World" through the ministries of Rockport United Methodist Church.

Will you be a part of helping that transformation take place?


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing that it is only God who can do the transforming, I believe one thing we can do is share our own experiences in how He has changed our hearts, and our lives.

When we can release what we think someone needs, and leave that up to God, that is a good place to start. When we share our own experiences, it becomes more real for those who are searching.

The mindset not of "this is what you need" But more of "this is what I have experienced."

To me, it seems obvious we need to be doing this work both inside, and outside the church walls.

One thing to consider some day is "cardboard testimonies" Google it and click on any of the results and enjoy! It truly is moving, and speaks very loud the transforming power of Jesus Christ!
