Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is good for the right knee is good for the left one too!

It has been a few weeks since my last post. Some may be wondering what has been happening. On February 4th I had a right knee replaced. I thought I was prepared for the procedure, but as most of us have learned ... life doesn't always present itself the way we plan it!

I anticipated the pain from the surgery. I anticipated the physical therapy. But what I didn't anticipate was the mental and emotional strain of not being able to do things for myself or not being able to go where I wanted to go.

Having this right knee replaced has once again reminded me that just as I am dependent on others to get around and to do things, I am also dependent upon God. What a wonderful spiritual lesson I have learned again because of a physical ailment.

I have been preparing for another lesson. On March 4th I am having my left knee replaced. I trust I will be prepared for graciously accepting the help of others.

Can we learn the same lesson for our spiritual lives? I have been touched by a song written by Anrae Crouch entitled "Through it all , through it all, I've learned to trust is Jesus, I've learned to trust in God; through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon God's word."

See you after March 4th.


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

Monday, February 1, 2010


This past week I received communication from Bishop Hopkins. The following is his message to the Church:

"My heart aches for the people of Haiti and I know yours does too. By now, most of us have heard numerous news reports addressing the utter devastation that has happened as a result of a 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti on January 13.

Our prayers and financial support are needed to help our brothers and sisters of Haiti begin to recover from this tragedy. As you know, 100% of the contributions donated through the United Methodist Committee on Relief go directly toward the people who need it most. I urge every East Ohio Church to collect a special offering for Haiti Relief efforts over the next several weeks."


The seas roar, the earth shakes, buildings crumble, roofs topple and walls turn to dust. Have mercy on the people of Haiti, O God. Nations watch, alarms sound, traffic halts, utilities stop, and news is hard to verify. Give us compassion to weep with those who weep, O God. People die, families mourn, mountains split, infrastructure and superstructure alike are gone. Make us swift to help and persistent to rebuild, not just things and structures, but lives, O God. Through Christ, the solid Rock. Amen