Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is good for the right knee is good for the left one too!

It has been a few weeks since my last post. Some may be wondering what has been happening. On February 4th I had a right knee replaced. I thought I was prepared for the procedure, but as most of us have learned ... life doesn't always present itself the way we plan it!

I anticipated the pain from the surgery. I anticipated the physical therapy. But what I didn't anticipate was the mental and emotional strain of not being able to do things for myself or not being able to go where I wanted to go.

Having this right knee replaced has once again reminded me that just as I am dependent on others to get around and to do things, I am also dependent upon God. What a wonderful spiritual lesson I have learned again because of a physical ailment.

I have been preparing for another lesson. On March 4th I am having my left knee replaced. I trust I will be prepared for graciously accepting the help of others.

Can we learn the same lesson for our spiritual lives? I have been touched by a song written by Anrae Crouch entitled "Through it all , through it all, I've learned to trust is Jesus, I've learned to trust in God; through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon God's word."

See you after March 4th.


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great witness to how God works in our lives!
I personally find when I stay focused on God, everything that comes my way has a spiritual lesson. I look at every situation, good or bad as a gift...an opportunity to see God's hand at work in and through it. It is especially through difficult situations and crises that I call out to Him and ask, "What does this mean? What must I do?" With those questions posed, I open myself to His direction.
Yes, through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus!

Tina B.