Sunday, October 25, 2009



Have you ever thought the Bible must be only for adults because you couldn’t understand what it is saying when you read it? I would invite you to take a closer look … you would discover that God’s mentions kids a lot in the Bible!

· The word child is found 121 times in the Bible.
· Children is found 448 times.
· Childhood is found 4 times.
· Son is found more than 2700 times (not including that Jesus is called the Son of God).
· Baby and words referring to very small children occur 24 times.
· Father is used more than 1,200 times (not including references to God as father).
· Mother is used almost 400 times.
· Brother or sister is used more than 2300 times.
· The Bible uses family –related words more than 8,000 times.

It seems that the Bible must be for both adults AND kids!

Have you not noticed that the Bible also tells of many leaders who were called by God as kids? Samuel, for instance, first heard the voice of God as a child. King David said, “Since my youth, O God, you have taught me.” Joshua was only seven years old when he became king of Judah. And he was one of only eight good kings in that nation’s history. Josiah was only eight years old when he became king and he is also among the eight good kings of Judah. Jesus praised His heavenly Father for revealing truths to little children (Matthew 11:25). One of Paul’s best helpers what Timothy, who knew the Scriptures from infancy (2 Timothy 3:15). Jesus was greatly upset at the disciples for not letting children come to Him (Mark 10:10-14).

A famous evangelist named Gypsy Smith once said, “Save a man and you save a unit; save a boy and you save a multiplication table.” Many great men of God also came to Christ as children. Count Zinzendorg, who started a 100 years prayer meeting and founded a great missions movement came to Christ when he was four years old. Jonathan Edwards, a great preacher , came to faith to faith in Christ when he was seven years old. Charles Spurgeon, a famous British preacher, trusted Christ when he was 12 years old.

How old do you have to be to hear the voice of God or serve God? You can hear the voice of God through the Bible at an early age, come to faith in Jesus Christ as an early age, and attempt great things for God at an early age.

The Scriptures are full of examples that show us this. History tells us the same thing.

So don’t wait to serve God until you are a teenager or an adult. Come to Christ NOW, Love God NOW, serve God NOW! … you are in for the best adventure of your life!


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stephen Ministers: The After People

There is an exciting ministry that is happening at Rockport United Methodist Church. There are a group of dedicated individuals who are committed to being Christ to those in need. They are: “THE AFTER PEOPLE.”

Why do I call them the “After People?” It is because Stephen Ministers are there:

… After your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk.
… After the divorce papers have been served and the bottom falls out of your life.
… After the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away – and the house suddenly seems incredibly empty.
… After you arrive home from the funeral service and the emotions you’ve held a bay come crashing in on you.
… After the doctors have said, “There’s nothing more we can do.”
… After the phone call you’d always hoped you’d never get.
… After the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
… After you find the pink slip inserted with what is now your final paycheck.

Stephen Ministers are “THE AFTER PEOPLE.” They are ready to come alongside you – your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives –and provide comfort and support for as long “after” as they are needed.

If you or someone you know could use the support and care of a Stephen Minister please call Rockport’s Visitation Minister, Diana Shook at 440-930-5983.

Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

Monday, October 12, 2009

Issue 3 - Anti-Gambling

CHURCH AND SOCIETY - has been active in helping members of the church become aware of the harmful effect to our communities if issue 3 passes.
The following is an article from the East Ohio Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church providing some thinking and praying points to ponder about gambling in the state of Ohio.
Together We Can Keep Predatory Gambling out of the State of Ohio! Vote No on Issue 3!
Your efforts count. We can keep slot machines and casinos out of Ohio. Here’s what you can do:
1. Pray for our efforts;
2. Volunteer to help distribute yard signs during the month of October. We need help in every part of our conference to make sure 5000 yard signs are displayed in church yards and in prominent places (email to volunteer).
Facts About Gambling:
1. Gambling preys on people who are poor, luring them with the promise of a life free from financial worries and burdens;
2. If gambling is within 50 miles, the chances of people in your community becoming addicted increase by 50% (75% if your community is poor);
3. 60% of casino revenues come from gamblers making less than $25,000 per year;
4. Bankruptcy rates are 100% higher in counties with casinos than in counties without casinos;
5. 4.2 million Americans are addicted gamblers;
6. Divorce is closely associated with gambling – in one survey, 53.5% of pathological gamblers were divorced, versus 18.2% for non-gamblers;
7. Significant child neglect has been reported, with 10-17% of children of compulsive gamblers being abused;
8. An estimated 40% of white collar crime has its roots in gambling;
9. In counties with neighboring casinos, 8.6% of property crime and 12.6% of violent crimes are caused by casinos – in counties with casinos, the rates are much higher;
10. Suicides in cities with casinos are 4 times higher than in comparable cities without gambling.
The truth of the matter is that gambling hurts families!
Protect Ohio Families – Vote NO on Issue 3.
The Apostle Paul reminds us that we are not to create stumbling blocks for our neighbors. Thank you for your commitment to keep predatory gambling out of Ohio
Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Prayer for Pumpkin People


The month of October has rolled around and I am beginning to see pumpkins all over the place. In fact, pumpkins will be delivered to Rockport later this month. I was thinking about how we could make October a special month for those of us who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ?

I suggest that while we are busy helping our children work with the pumpkins they will be carving into jack-o-lanterns we teach and pray this prayer:

  • While cutting off the top of the pumpkin, pray, "Lord open my mind so I can learn new things about you." (proverbs 1:7)

  • While removing the seeds and pulp, pray, "Remove the things in my life that don't please you. Forgive the wrong things I do and help me to forgive others." (Matthew 6:14-15)

  • While making eyes, pray, "Open my eyes to see the beauty you've made in the world around me." (Psalm 104:24)

  • While making the nose, pray, "I'm sorry for the times I've turned up my nose at your many gifts." (James 1:17)

  • While making the mouth, pray, "Let everything I say please you." (Psalm 19:14)

  • While lighting the candle, pray, "Lord, help me to show your light to others through the things I do." (Matthew 5:16)

After carving your pumpkins with the ones you love, display them as examples of how God's love transforms us into new creations for the transformation of the world. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17.


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers