Monday, October 12, 2009

Issue 3 - Anti-Gambling

CHURCH AND SOCIETY - has been active in helping members of the church become aware of the harmful effect to our communities if issue 3 passes.
The following is an article from the East Ohio Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church providing some thinking and praying points to ponder about gambling in the state of Ohio.
Together We Can Keep Predatory Gambling out of the State of Ohio! Vote No on Issue 3!
Your efforts count. We can keep slot machines and casinos out of Ohio. Here’s what you can do:
1. Pray for our efforts;
2. Volunteer to help distribute yard signs during the month of October. We need help in every part of our conference to make sure 5000 yard signs are displayed in church yards and in prominent places (email to volunteer).
Facts About Gambling:
1. Gambling preys on people who are poor, luring them with the promise of a life free from financial worries and burdens;
2. If gambling is within 50 miles, the chances of people in your community becoming addicted increase by 50% (75% if your community is poor);
3. 60% of casino revenues come from gamblers making less than $25,000 per year;
4. Bankruptcy rates are 100% higher in counties with casinos than in counties without casinos;
5. 4.2 million Americans are addicted gamblers;
6. Divorce is closely associated with gambling – in one survey, 53.5% of pathological gamblers were divorced, versus 18.2% for non-gamblers;
7. Significant child neglect has been reported, with 10-17% of children of compulsive gamblers being abused;
8. An estimated 40% of white collar crime has its roots in gambling;
9. In counties with neighboring casinos, 8.6% of property crime and 12.6% of violent crimes are caused by casinos – in counties with casinos, the rates are much higher;
10. Suicides in cities with casinos are 4 times higher than in comparable cities without gambling.
The truth of the matter is that gambling hurts families!
Protect Ohio Families – Vote NO on Issue 3.
The Apostle Paul reminds us that we are not to create stumbling blocks for our neighbors. Thank you for your commitment to keep predatory gambling out of Ohio
Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

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