Saturday, January 23, 2010

Where in the world was Pastor Myers?

It has been a busy month. Not to mention the year end paperwork that needs to be done for the Church, the preparation for the Board on Ordained ministry interviews, the setting of the vision for this upcoming year at Rockport. All of that alone would have tired me out. But just a little over a week ago Kathryn and I traveled to Taiwan.

We went to honor my father-in-law who was a missionary to Taiwan for over 40 years. They invited us to attend a memorial service. That was our official reason. But what I really wanted to accomplish was to see how that church is "Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world in Taiwan?"
What we found were five churches that were founded by my father-in-law that are active in reaching their community. We attended a worship service on Sunday while there and they invited the children from the community to attend what they called a "Fun Hour." Not Sunday School, but a "Fun Hour." They were actively reaching out and making disciples of neighbors and friends.

I was also overwhelmed by the work of the Blind School. It was started on a shoestring budget and now boast of just completing a $6 million dollar building project that includes a six story building to accommodate the special needs for the blind children and young adults of Taiwan. I have never seen a program so well run as the program run by Ruth Chen (77)and Joseph (50). This is one program Kathryn and I personally plan to support above and beyond my tithe to the church.

What a blessing to hear that one of the graduates of the Blind School is currently serving as an Ordained pastor in a Local church.

What Kathryn and I found was a church that was serious about Making disciples and were willing to be inconvenienced, to be put out, to support the mission with their own funds if necessary and guess what ... they are making a difference and they are making disciples. The church in Taiwan is a church that is respected because they are involved with those in need and are making a difference in their own community. May we do the same!
All I can say is "shea shea" which means "thank you" to the people of Taiwan who are sacrificing to make a difference in their world. May we do the same!
That's where I was last week. where were you? Church I hope!

Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where was Tina? I was attending a weekend with a great number of youth who are passionate about the love of Jesus Christ. I was serving with them to ensure other youth would experience the same love of Christ that they have experienced. It was awesome to see the unity of these youth serving together to make sure all goes well. The weekend was soaked in prayer and petition as God worked miracles in the lives of all involved...transforming lives in one weekend! New disciples were created. Praise be to God! And how did this get done? Through the sacrifice of time, and the dedication to their Lord and Savior...out of God's agape love.

Praise be to God on High!