Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Resurrecting Hope

Over the past several months I have had both of my knees replaced. I have to say that the process has not been the most pleasant. I have had to fight through the pain of surgery. I have had to deal with the post surgery depression. I have had to deal with post surgery limitations, namely not being able to get out and about as I would like. Just this past week I had to deal with the news that I would not be allowed to get back to my exercise routine for another two weeks.

Lately I have been asking myself the question ... how can I resurrect the hope of life getting back to normal, or as normal as it can be?

I believe this is an important message for us during this holy season in the life of the church. I have been pondering how the church can resurrect hope in our community. I have been pondering how we can resurrect hope for those who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior? How can hope be resurrected for those who are hungry and homeless ... for those who are facing a life that might enslave them because of lack of employment or some injustice which would beat them down.

This week Rockport will be celebrating Easter and the resurrecting the hope through our worship experience. I want to personally invite you to come and bring a friend and find our how you can be involved in resurrecting hope for those who you come in contact with.

See you Sunday!!!


Rev. Dr. Gordon Myers

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