Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Courage to Change

The Courage to Change:

Kathryn and I have only lived in Rocky River for a few months. But the other day, while driving in familiar area, I noticed a change. A business that had been around for as long as I can remember had closed and a for sale sign was posted on the structure. A change that made an impact on my life came unexpectedly, but nevertheless it transpired. I didn't have any control over the matter, I didn't have any indications of the impending conditions, but still it happened. A decision was made by someone else who affected my activities, my routine, and my life.

As I'm getting older, some would call it more mature, I find that change is not as welcomed by me as it used to be, but still I adjust. I find that I may not like the change at first, but as I adjust, I realize it isn't so bad after all. Why? Because I have come to realize that change is a part of life. Change leads us to another level, another dimension that wasn't present before. The key for me to accepting change is realizing that there is always a positive in the change if only I look for it. For example, Saul was changed on the road to Damascus into an instrument God could use. Peter was changed from a fisherman into becoming a witnessing machine for the Kingdom of God because of his interaction with Jesus the Christ. Have you been changed because of your interaction with the same Christ? If you are a believer, then change is expected. The Bible says that one of these days we will all be change in a twinkling of an eye. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53 paraphrased) What once held us back will be changed. What once kept us in check will be changed. What once prohibited us from experiencing the fullness will be changed. This mortal body shall put on immortality. Oh what a wonderful and life changing time that will be.

A pastor friend of mine reminded me that sometimes in the midst of change we may not see God, but we must still trust God. In my almost 20 years of ministry, I have prayed this prayer of change: "Oh God, in this time of change and unrest, help me to sort living truths from dying customs. Help me to have both the courage to look beyond the unexpected and familiar ways and the humility to recognize the wisdom of them.” So while facing change, keep this in mind … God has it all in control. I am encouraged by the words God told Joshua, “Follow the ark for you have never been this way before, but trust me and follow me. (Joshua 3:3-4 paraphrase) One thing is sure … God will always leads us through whatever may be troubling us, so trust God in the midst of upheaval, adjustments, change.


Rev. Gordon Myers

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